Friday, January 2, 2009

New Year Golf Goals

Have you made any New Years Resolutions?
What ones have you made for your golf game?

Here are 3 tips to help you set your golfing goals:

1. Identify which part of your game you should work on.

You and to practice with purpose. If you are not sure which part
of your game you should be working on to improve, go check out
this game analysis article at

2. Commit to a date by which you want to achieve the goal
This is very important - without a target date, the mind will keep
putting it off and you will not achieve your goal.
So, set a (realistic) date, and commit to it!

3. Take action!
This is biggest secret of all!
If you don't get started to will never get any closer to your goal.

If you want to get some great Fr*e Golf video
instruction guaranteed to shave strokes off your score,
then I recommend you go and have a look at
Ben Throckmorton's Golf Swing Secret.
Just click the link below to be taken straight to Ben's web site

If you want to work on the specifics of improving putting go to